Your BONUS hour is here: Claim Quickly!*

Hour GlassYour wish has come true, you really will have an extra hour in a day! Before you mindlessly reset the clock on Sunday, think of all the things you would love to do if you had an extra hour and do one of them!

I have a ritual of keeping one clock on daylight savings time until sometime during the day when I can enjoy my gift of a FREE hour. At that time I announce that the next hour belongs to me and spend it lavishly.

Some years this hour’s spent taking a long walk, reading a fun book, sorting photos, something truly lifegiving. At the end of the hour, set the clock back to the real-time and you’re on schedule with the rest of the world again!

I spent the most memorable extra hour a few years ago developing a “Life List”..also known by some as “Bucket List”….all the things I hope to yet do in my life from the mundane (learn how to French braid) to the exotic (visit all the oceans). That list now gets frequent review as a planning tool as I look ahead.

This is how I would like to spend my hour!

Choose carefully how to use your extra hour, you won’t get this opportunity again for a whole year!

What about the hour you lose in the spring? Just pick something you DON’T want to do that takes about an hour and don’t do it!

How will you use yours?

Hope for the best,


PS Are you on Goodreads? Enter to win a copy of my new book Getaway with God: Everywoman’s Guide to Personal Retreat giveaway

*annual post

1 Response to “Your BONUS hour is here: Claim Quickly!*”

  1. 1 mary nelson November 6, 2016 at 7:23 AM


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