Posts Tagged 'Angels'

Rescue on the Highway


Many years ago this month….

“Unpredictable” was the report on the gas gauge of the borrowed car but my friend, Debbie, and I were willing to take the chance. We were still learning our way around the Denver area but decided to head up the Valley Highway to attend a Bible study at the home of some new friends.

As you might have guessed, we were running late.

Barreling along with the flow of Friday evening rush hour traffic, I was behind the wheel as we were making up time and then it happened. Acceleration slipped into a chug and our speed went from 70 to 20 in what seemed like a few seconds. Trapped in the far left lane, we hardly had time to pray.

“We must be out of gas!” I remember shouting, “What do we do now?” In what seemed like an instant, all the previously clogged highway lanes opened up and we nearly slid onto the shoulder, scared but safe. Trying in vain to plot our next move, a glance in the rear view mirror let us know that a car had pulled up behind us and the driver was heading our way.

In his hand he carried a gas can.

Without saying a word to us, he walked right to our gas tank. Who was this guy? How did he know we were out of gas? Too stunned to get out of the car, as well as aware of the traffic whizzing by, we watched him steadily empty his can.

Before we could say thanks or offer to pay he was back in his car and simply, just gone. Debbie and I just sat there speechless for a few minutes then realized we needed to get off the shoulder. The highway opened up again for us as we merged back on and got to the Bible study with a few minutes to spare.

Two college students, one borrowed car running on fumes, Friday night rush hour on an unfamiliar road and God shows up.

We couldn’t stop talking about the story and even now, many years later, I remember every detail as it happened. Each replaying of that evening ends with the same question. Who was he? I may never know that answer for sure but I do know who sent him. c. Letitia Suk 2015

Hope for the Best,


Another story from that summer…My Permanent Revolution