(Three) Gym Girl

My cousin inspires me! She’s 15 years older 🙂

No one would ever mistake me for a jock. I don’t run for any reason and I dislike sweating. Taking a walk is nice especially if I have a destination in mind or if there is water on my left (or right.) But I want to live long and strong and I can’t find any research that doesn’t say exercise is part of that equation.

I just never would have guessed I would end up belonging to three gyms now, all for no cost! Even more unexpected, I actually go, multiple times per week.

My gym history is pretty nil. After dreaded calisthenics in my early years, I decided no more of that and took up walking for years. “Aerobics for Women” was my guide in the 70’s and I stuck with the walking schedule.

Four kids later, I briefly joined “Women’s Workout World,” till it closed then made friends with Jane Fonda videos when the urge hit me to move a bit. We hit it off and I always felt better after the video than before (when I talked myself into it.)

Fast forward through more walking, a time at “Curves,” occasional yoga, a stint with a trainer until he quit and then back to Jane Fonda. DVD’s now instead of videos and definitely designed for women of “a certain age.” Somehow my sporadic attempts had only sporadic results.

What else could I try? A new book I picked up recommended exercise six days a week*. Sheesh I was getting busted! Clearly it was time for a new plan.

The answer came along with my new insurance policy: Silver Sneakers: A free fitness program. Five free classes a week at my local center and free gym memberships all over the country. I signed up for three! Two local and one in Quincy where I visit my mom often.

Two in town, one in Quincy!

Last January, I decided if I was going to go at all, it would be six days a week and so far, so good. I’m not so good at “occasional,” it usually results in never.

The biggest shift was in my head, I decided not to hate it.

Maybe there’s a way to live ling and strong with exercising but I’m not taking my chances…and clearly I’m out of excuses!

What’s your plan?

Hope for the Best,


* ” Younger Next Year for Women.”

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