Bach at Bedtime

I like going to bed before 10:00.  Most of my family, especially my husband, calls that “early.”  I call it normal.

So I surprised everyone, including myself, when I bought tickets for a concert last Friday night that started at 10 PM. Before you get too excited…it wasn’t a rock concert or hot new gig at a jazz bar, although maybe I will try that next time.

Bach kept me up last Friday night as in Johann Sebastian.

For the past thirty-three Springs in Evanston, Tom and I noticed the banner ads go up and come down for “Bach Week.” A seasonal festival of classical music held in early May each year.

Bach fits our shared interests, we even included one of his pieces in our wedding, Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring.  But we didn’t have time for Bach week as we headed to our kid’s schools most nights in May for the plethora of end-of-the-year activities, and besides, it was expensive.

After all these years of not RSVP-ing to all the around the town invites for the concerts, it was barely on our radar screen this year until something caught my eye in a brochure.

This year, a new concert debuted for Bach week.  The word, “candlelight,” was in the title and that intrigued me right away.  The price was half the cost of the rest of the series so I was further enticed.  Then I noticed the Bach Week Candlelight Concert started at 10 PM.  Past my bedtime.  Out of my routine.  On the other side of my comfort zone.

Writing a blog about intentionality certainly causes me to think about my own…all the time.

Did I intentionally want to go to bed “on time” or hear Bach by candlelight on a lovely evening in early May?

I impulsively clicked “buy now”and texted Tom my intentions…to choose spontaneity over routine, new experience over same old-same old, missing sleep over missing magic.

It was a good choice.

Music exquisite, ambiance sublime, and, to add to the delight, champagne and fine chocolate freely offered to add to the wonder.

I almost proclaimed to Tom… “we will return every year to Bach week”... but perhaps another serendipitous opportunity awaits the first Friday in May next year.

I don’t plan to sleep through it.

Where are your comfort zones nudging you?

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