Simple Strategy for all those To-Do’s

To-Do BookMy husband pointed out yet another article in the Trib on how to get organized in 2014 as he knows I’m drawn to stuff like that.  I remember thinking it was a helpful piece but I can’t remember any of the points right now.

No worries because all the January issues of the magazines on the stands also cover new trends in organizing which are usually old trends recycled.  Are there really NEW ways to deal with paper pile-up?

Just in case all the magazines run out,  I have all my books on organizing lining my shelves from my first love, “Side Tracked Home Executives” to Fly Lady’s manual, “Sink Reflections.”

By now I should have the equivalent of a PhD in organizing as I seem to know so much about it but I still lose my shoes occasionally, misplace important documents and forget to mail birthday cards on time to name a few.

One organizing piece I have down solid is the daily to-do list. While I have tried very la-de-da systems, my tried and true standby for years is a $2.99  5 X 8 spiral notebook from TJ Maxx or Marshalls with a pretty cover.  Simple, succinct, successful.  I can’t imagine ever switching to anything else.

Each morning a clean blank page awaits me to fill with tasks: items I need from the store, dry cleaning reminders, calls to make, appointments to keep, stuff to Google. Enough room for a day’s events.  Sometimes I page ahead to a blank page a few days hence and add notes for that day like library book due or a due date for a bill. When the day’s over,  I tear the page out and toss it away.

I know I will keep looking for the elusive perfect plan for organizing everything else and maybe one of these days I will venture into a Container Store but for now, I’m grabbing my notebook and planning the day.

Hope for the Best,


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11 Responses to “Simple Strategy for all those To-Do’s”

  1. 1 Carol Early Cooney January 23, 2014 at 3:43 PM

    First off, I am surprised that the SIdetracked Home Executives is still available. And the SHOCKED by how much it costs to buy a copy. It was a good book but the price….

  2. 3 Jan January 23, 2014 at 4:49 PM

    I thought when I retired two years ago, that I would finally get organized nope…not gonna happen anytime soon!

  3. 5 Jess January 23, 2014 at 7:57 PM

    So, uhhh…do I get extra props cos not only do I do the same BUT I have a complex numbering system where I label my to-dos from most pressing to least pressing?

    …do YOU have a numbering system goin’ on neighbz?

  4. 10 Theresa January 23, 2014 at 8:22 PM

    I love the throw-the-page-away step.

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